Bank adalah badan usaha yang memiliki kewenangan dan fungsi untuk mengumpulkan dana untuk disalurkan kepada masyarakat umum yang membutuhkan dana tersebut. Berikut ini adalah messes dan jenis bank di Indonesia bersama dengan arti definisi/pemahaman masing-masing Bank.
Jenis Bank
1. Bank Sentral
Bank Sentral adalah sebuah bank yang didirikan berdasarkan UU No. 13 tahun 1968 yang mempunyai tugas untuk mengatur peredaran uang, mengatur penggunaan dana, mengatur tentang perbankan, mengatur, memelihara kestabilan mata uang, meminta Anda Percetakan/penambahan mata uang rupiah dan seterusnya. Bank Sentral sana adalah hanya satu sebagai inti dari seluruh bank di Indonesia
2. publik Bank
Publik Bank adalah lembaga keuangan uang menawarkan berbagai layanan produk dan jasa kepada masyarakat dengan fungsi seperti mengumpulkan dana secara langsung dari masyarakat dalam berbagai bentuk, memberikan kredit kepada orang-orang membutuhkan, pembelian dan penjualan Valuta Asing/Forex, menjual asuransi Jasa, Jasa Layanan cek, giro, menerima tahanan barang-barang berharga, dll.
3. Bank dari orang/BPR
Orang-orang Bank Rakyat mendukung bank memiliki keterbatasan area operasional dan dana yang dimiliki oleh layanan terbatas seperti pinjaman menyediakan kridit terbatas, menerima sejumlah entri untuk masyarakat umum, menyediakan pembiayaan untuk prinsip bagi hasil, penempatan dana di sbis/sertifikat bank Indonesia, deposito, sertifikat/sekuritas, tabungan, dll.
The Bank is a business entity that has the authority and functions to gather funds to be channelled to the general public that need these funds. Here below are the messes and other types of banks in Indonesia along with the meaning of the definition/understanding of each bank.
Types Of Banks
1. Central Bank
The Central Bank is a bank which was established pursuant to Act No. 13 in 1968 which has the task to organize the circulation of money, regulates the deployment of funds, regulating banking, regulate, maintain the stability of the currency, ask your printing/addition of rupiah currency and so on. The Central Bank there is only one as the centerpiece of the entire bank in Indonesia
2. public Bank
Public Bank is a financial institution of money offers a variety of services products and services to the community with such a function collects the funds directly from the public in various forms, provide credit loans to the people in need, buying and selling foreign exchange/Forex, selling insurance services, services of the service cheque, giro, received custody of valuables, etc.
3. the Bank Of the people/BPR
The people of the people's Bank is supporting the bank has limited operational areas and funds which are owned by limited services such as providing loans with kridit limited, received a number of entries to the general public, provides financing to the principle for the results, the placement of funds in sbis/certificate of bank indonesia, time deposits, certificate/securities, savings, etc.
Types Of Banks
1. Central Bank
The Central Bank is a bank which was established pursuant to Act No. 13 in 1968 which has the task to organize the circulation of money, regulates the deployment of funds, regulating banking, regulate, maintain the stability of the currency, ask your printing/addition of rupiah currency and so on. The Central Bank there is only one as the centerpiece of the entire bank in Indonesia
2. public Bank
Public Bank is a financial institution of money offers a variety of services products and services to the community with such a function collects the funds directly from the public in various forms, provide credit loans to the people in need, buying and selling foreign exchange/Forex, selling insurance services, services of the service cheque, giro, received custody of valuables, etc.
3. the Bank Of the people/BPR
The people of the people's Bank is supporting the bank has limited operational areas and funds which are owned by limited services such as providing loans with kridit limited, received a number of entries to the general public, provides financing to the principle for the results, the placement of funds in sbis/certificate of bank indonesia, time deposits, certificate/securities, savings, etc.
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