Arti dari produsen.
Produsen dalam ekonomi adalah mereka yang menghasilkan barang dan jasa untuk dijual atau dipasarkan. Di pasar barang-barang perdagangan dan jasa, juga biasanya produsen menawarkan harga yang relatif lebih murah karena prudusen adalah agen langsung lembaga – yang banyak dicari setelah oleh orang terutama para pedagang untuk membeli barang yang akan kemudian menjualnya kembali tetapi dengan harga yang relatif lebih mahal.
Fungsi produksi.
Fungsi produksi adalah fungsi yang merupakan bagian dari perusahaan yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengatur kegiatan yang diperlukan untuk proses produksi ini. Dengan mengatur bahwa aktivitas maka diharapkan proses produksi akan berjalanlancar dan hasil produksi juga akan berkualitas tinggi sehingga dapat diterima oleh orang-orang pemakainya. Produksi dalam menjalankan tugas ini tidak saja tetapi bersama-sama dengan bagian-bagian lain sebagai bagian dari bagian pemasaran, keuangan dan akuntansi. Oleh karena itu harus diadakan sehingga semua bagian kerja koordinasi dapat pergi tangan di tangan dan tangan dan tabrakan yang tak terelakkan-konflik kepentingan antara bagian dalam perusahaan.
Tugas utama dari produksi dalam kaitannya dengan pencapaian tujuan perusahaan secara umum sedang mencoba untuk mencapai biaya produksi rendah, kualitas produk yang tinggi, cepat menanggapi permintaan, dan fleksibilitas untuk membuat berbagai macam barang sesuai dengan selera dan spesifikasi pelanggan.
Meliputi fungsi operasi yang akan dibahas di sini;
1) desain perencanaan dan produk
2) kapasitas perencanaan produk
perencanaan tata letak 3 pabrik)
4 perencanaan tata letak) mesin pabrik
5) berencana bahan mentah
The sense of the manufacturers.
Producers in the economy are those that produce goods and services for sale or marketed. In the market the goods – goods trade and services, is also usually the manufacturers offer a relatively cheaper price because prudusen is the direct agent of the Agency – which is much sought after by people especially the traders to buy merchandise that will later sell them back but with a relatively more expensive price.
The function of the production.
The production function is a function that is part of the company that is responsible for regulating activities that are necessary for this production process. By regulating that activity then expected production process will berjalanlancar and production results will also be of high quality so that it can be accepted by the people of the wearer. The production in the running task is not alone but together with the other parts as part of marketing, financial and accounting section. Therefore it must be held so that all parts of the work coordination can go hand in hand and hand and the inevitable collision – conflict of interest between the inside of the company.
The main task of the production in relation to the achievement of the objectives of the company in General is trying to reach a low production cost, high product quality, quick response to the request, and the flexibility to make a range of goods to suit tastes and customer specifications.
The operating functions that will be covered here include;
1) planning and product design
2) capacity planning products
3 factory layout planning)
4 the planning Layout) machinery Factory
5) raw material Planning
Producers in the economy are those that produce goods and services for sale or marketed. In the market the goods – goods trade and services, is also usually the manufacturers offer a relatively cheaper price because prudusen is the direct agent of the Agency – which is much sought after by people especially the traders to buy merchandise that will later sell them back but with a relatively more expensive price.
The function of the production.
The production function is a function that is part of the company that is responsible for regulating activities that are necessary for this production process. By regulating that activity then expected production process will berjalanlancar and production results will also be of high quality so that it can be accepted by the people of the wearer. The production in the running task is not alone but together with the other parts as part of marketing, financial and accounting section. Therefore it must be held so that all parts of the work coordination can go hand in hand and hand and the inevitable collision – conflict of interest between the inside of the company.
The main task of the production in relation to the achievement of the objectives of the company in General is trying to reach a low production cost, high product quality, quick response to the request, and the flexibility to make a range of goods to suit tastes and customer specifications.
The operating functions that will be covered here include;
1) planning and product design
2) capacity planning products
3 factory layout planning)
4 the planning Layout) machinery Factory
5) raw material Planning
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