Apa yang dimaksud dengan good governance?
Good Governance mengandung dua suku kata, yaitu Good dan Governance. Istilah good sudah dikatehui, sedangka istilah Governance didefinisikan sebagai: ‘act, manner, fact, or function of governing; sway, control’.…
“Governance’ berasal dari kata ‘govern’, yang menurut kamus memiliki 8 arti. Definisi yang paling populer adalah: ‘rule with authority, conduct the policy, actions, and affairs (of State, subjects) either despotically or constitutionally; regulate proceedings of (corporation,etc.)’.
Governance terkait denga siapa yang memutuskan apa, siapa yang mempengaruhi siapa, bagaimana pengaruh tersebut dilaksanakan dan bagaimana pembuat keputusan melaksanakannya secara akuntabel. Governance juga terkait dengan legitimasi, kewenangan untuk membuat keputusan kepada orang lain dan untuk menanggung resiko.
Good governance yang berarti rerangka kebijakan yang baik, aturan hukum, dan manajemen, penggunaan power politik dan sumber daya publik yang bertanggungjawab- merupakan prasyarat kunci untuk pengembangan yang berkesinambungan maupun kunci pengurangan kemiskinan.
Good governance berarti rerangka kebijakan yang baik yang kondusif untuk sosial, ekologikal, dan pengembangan ekonomi pasar, dan penggunaan power politik dan sumber daya publik yang bertanggungjawab.
Hal tersebut membutuhkan manajemen publik yang baik: pembuatan kebijakan dan kebutuhan administrasi untuk menjamin masyarakat dan sektor privat untuk berpartisipasi. Masyarakat dan sektor publik dijamin partisipasinya sehingga diperlukan jaminan ketersediaan informasi, transparansi, penegakan hukum, kesamaan kedudukan dalam hukum.
Lima kriteria of good governance:
1. Respect for human rights (including freedom from torture, freedom of religion, protection of minorities),
2. Popular participation in political decision-making (including freedom of association, holding of democratic elections, freedom of the press),
3. Rule of law and the certainty of the law (independence of the judiciary, same law for all, transparency and predictability of state action),
4. A market-friendly and social economic order (including protection of property rights, market pricing, principle of competition)
5. Development-oriented state action (government policy oriented towards ecologically, economically and socially sustainable development, the fight against corruption, the efficiency of public administration, etc.; scope of military expenditure).
The 10 Principles of Good Governance - a normative framework adopted by associations of local governments
1. Participation - To encourage all citizens to exercise their right to express their opinion in the process of making decisions concerning the public interest, both directly and indirectly.
2. Rule of Law -To realize law enforcement which is fair and impartial for all, without exception, while honouring basic human rights and observing the values prevalent in the society.
3. Transparency - To build mutual trust between the government and the public through the provision of information with guaranteed easy access to accurate and adequate information.
4. Equality - To provide equal opportunities for all members of the society to improve their welfare.
5. Responsiveness - To increase the sensitivity of government administrators to the aspirations of the public.
6. Vision - To develop the region based on a clear vision and strategy, with participation of the citizenry in all the processes of development so that they acquire a sense of ownership and responsibility for the progress of their regions.
7. Accountability - To increase the accountability of decision-makers with regard to decisions in all matters involving the public interest.
8. Supervision - To increase the efforts of supervision in the operation of government and the implementation of development by involving the private sector and the general public.
9. Efficiency & Effectiveness – To guarantee public service delivery by utilizing all available resources optimally and responsibly.
10. Professionalism - To enhance the capacity and moral disposition of government administrators so that they are capable of providing easy, fast, accurate and affordable services.
Good governance di Organisasi Sektor Publik
Dalam pengelolaan organisasi sektor publik baik pure public, kuasi publik, maupun kuasi privat, good governance ditunjukkan antara lain dengan adanya pengelolaan sumber daya secara transparan, akuntabel, dan bertanggungjawab. Hal teresbut terkait dengan pembebanan (tarif pelayanan, pajak, atau retribusi) maupun dalam penggunaan dana (penganggaran, pencairan, dan pertanggungjawaban keuangan) begitu pula dalam pengawasan oleh komisaris atau parlemen dan lembaga auditor baik auditor independen maupun auditor pemerintah.
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